Where class is always in session!
Today class, we will be discussing, anyone? Anyone? The Heat Pump, that's right, the dreaded Heat Pump. Some people love them, some people hate them. But for all of the heat pumps being used and for as long as they have been around, they are still extremely misunderstood, misused and improperly maintained. And because of this, they have been given a bad wrap.
Today class, we will take the mystery out of, anyone? Anyone? That's right, the Heat Pump. We will discuss everything a responsible homeowner should know about his or her heat pump. Topics shall include: heat pump facts, heat pump technology, and heat pump operation. Most importantly though, you will get valuable heat pump tips, learn about important heat pump maintenance, and view frequently asked questions.
After taking this class, you will have, anyone? Anyone? That's right, a better understanding of how your Heat Pump system works. Understanding the importance of proper maintenance and service. You will be able to quickly spot problems and make educated and informed decisions on how to correct them. And you will appreciate just how hard your Heat Pump works to provide you with clean, safe, and efficient heating and cooling; year after year.
So everyone grab a seat, sharpen a #2 pencil and prepare to take notes. You may take this class at your leisure but please, no talking while class is in session. Hooligans will be asked to leave!

How Comfortable Do You Want To Be?
[Must be in our service area]